The Spy House

         The Spy House was given a false name because nobody has actually used that building to spy on the enemy!  A British Naval officer thought the Americans were using the Whitlock Seabrook-Wilson Homestead to spy on the port where their ships came and went.  He wasn't too far off but he wasn't that close either.    
       During the American Revolution, a British Naval officer named the Whitlock Seabrook-Wilson Homestead the "Spy House".  The British Navy thought that the house was being used to spy on their port.  But, the actual spying was being done from Gerrett's Hill by John Stillwell.  Gerret's Hill was located a short distance away from the "Spy House".  The British tried to burn down the house to stop the spying, but the attempt didn't work.  The house was not burnt down and little damage was done.

      The house started as a one-room cabin in 1648 and was slowly added onto as years passed.  In 1677, the middle section of the house was added.  The middle section was home to the widow Seabrook in 1703.  The house stayed in the Seabrook family for 250 years from then.  The home is now known as the Spy House which shows the history and heritage of the Bay Shore.
    The Spy House is said to be the first house built on the New Jersey shoreline.  The Spy House is a three story wooden house that has been steadily renovated without losing any of its historical touch.  Within the past three centuries, the Spy House has been a private home, an inn, Revolutionary War gathering place for both sides, a pirate's hangout, and a museum.
    The way the Spy House relates to the world today is that many people have lived in that house and its only renovations were very minor ones.  After people stopped living in it because it is believed to be haunted, it became a museum.  The museum too closed down because there were thought to be ghosts living there and some people, while on a tour, claimed that they saw the sewing machine start up its own,  There have been other claims of seeing a ghost on a tour.

    Below are some pictures of the outside of what the Spy House looks like now.  I was unable to get inside of the Spy House because it is not open to the public anymore.  The only people who are allowed inside of now are the caretakers.